The basis of successful research is well qualified education and further training. By its close partnerships with universities and universities of applied sciences, as well as by providing continuing education and transferring know-how, the FPL tackles the issue at its roots.
From there on, we build a network to connect students, research institutes, enterprises and users. Thus, the FPL enables its members to exchange and share their experience and knowledge. In this way, new impulses and ideas come into existence, which may lead to successful innovations.
The development and realization of new ideas can be funded by the Research Society in its role as an eligible member of the AiF. Furthermore it is possible to use the resources of the Fraunhofer IPA and other research institutions.
Creating progress through research is the vision of the FPL.
By means of targeted research, we contribute to reinforcing and further expanding Germany’s strong position on the global market of coating technology – especially in the field of smart and functional coating systems.
Concept of cooperative industrial research (IGF)